Are you a Slave to Your Business?

Do you ever stop and wonder why you are constantly on the proverbial hamster wheel?

It’s already March and I can take a bet that your never ending to-do list and inbox hasn’t had the dent in it you had committed to over the New Year.

No matter how well you plan your day or block out time to complete a project; the business demands your attention elsewhere. Staff, customers, meetings, emails and phone calls ALWAYS take a front seat and that vital business project; the one that could make you a shitload of money or create an efficiency in your business that gives you some much needed reprieve, ALWAYS takes the back seat…day after day.

The impacts of the daily grind on your business are significant. You are a slave to your business. Thoughts of the future are squashed by the latest urgent task demanding your immediate attention so opportunities for growth and improvements fall by the wayside. There are balls being dropped left, right and centre and the profit you anticipated is hit or miss.

Not to mention the daily grinds impact on you personally. Time away from your family is constant, stress levels can sometimes reach boiling point and in some months you are left wondering how you will make ends meet.

There is little wonder you sometimes feel desperate and find it hard to see anything other than doom and gloom?

But don’t pack up shop just yet, maybe the end isn’t so near after all…

Unfortunately, this is a common scenario for small to medium business owners. The thrill and motivation of first getting into business can soon be squashed by constant Cash-flow worries, staffing issues and never ending emails.

So what can you do about it?

The first step is the realising that you are on the hamster wheel and in a bit of a pickle.

Now you need to STOP. Not just figuratively, but literally stop for a second and ask yourself…

  • Is the business you currently have the one you set out to achieve?
  • Have you lost sight of why you started your business in the first place?
  • Are you earning the income that you expected?
  • Are you working too many hours and lost your balance with life?
  • On a daily basis are you doing the things you enjoy doing?
  • Ultimately, are you happy?
  • What do you need to make you happier?

For me getting into business was all about having choices in my life. Giving myself the chance to one day buy my dream home, to be able to work when and wherever I wanted, to travel regularly with my family…choices. I am confident that most business owners want the same thing. Not necessarily my list of choices but just the freedom (and hopefully income) to make your own choices.

If your answers to the above questions are confronting, that’s OK, it just means you have plenty of opportunities to shape your business into the one you dreamed of.

Stay tuned over the next couple of weeks as we start unpacking your business and discuss steps to grow and shape it so you can start making the choices you first dreamed of.

To get my insights and ideas straight into your inbox just subscribe by joining the hub below.

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So tell us, what is *it you’re after? We look forward to learning what *it is that will make you happier.