
Retention Marketing for Small Business Owners
Retention Marketing offers is a tailored approach for small business owners to cultivate long-term client relationships, drive repeat business, and get off the treadmill of constant client acquisition.

Is Your Property Vacant? Prepare for Vacant Residential Land Tax Now
Victorian property owners, check your occupancy status before the year ends. Properties vacant for over six months in 2024 may attract Vacant Residential Land Tax (VRLT), but exemptions could reduce your liability. Act now to avoid penalties—learn what VRLT means for you and the steps to take before 15 January.

Sharpen Your Communication Skills to Strengthen Your Business
Great communication isn’t just a soft skill—it’s a cornerstone of small business success. From leading your team to earning client trust, how you communicate can shape your business’s growth and reputation. Discover practical strategies to lead with authority, build confidence, and navigate tough conversations.

A guide to understanding the latest in Stimulus Support and the potential opportunities for you to maximise.

Off-the-Plan Duty Concession: What It Means for You
Thinking of buying off-the-plan? The Victorian Government’s new temporary duty concession could reduce your costs. Running from 21 October 2024 to 21 October 2025, this measure expands eligibility to a broader range of buyers, offering potential savings for investors, companies, and more. Could you benefit?

Don’t Depend On Me: Removing Key Person Dependency
We’ve all heard the legends of Steve Jobs starting Apple in his garage, or Zuckerberg creating Facebook from his dorm. But as small businesses grow and evolve from basements and kitchen tables to boardrooms and broader teams, they run the risk of being overly reliant on the founder or a few key individuals. So what’s the problem?

Securing Your Business in the Age of Cyber Risk
It was the year 2000. Just as the world was getting over the panic of the Y2K bug and dredging out their reserves of canned food from their basements, a new, lesser-known cyber threat was emerging in Australia. The concept of “cyber risk” was first flagged as a national security issue in a 2000 Australian Defence White Paper, yet…

Authentic career development: an investment in the future
The relationship of employer and employee has undergone significant transformations over the past few years.
Gone are the days of relying on a top-down management model or expecting employees to simply feel “grateful for the opportunity”.

Unleash the power of proactive tax planning
At SEIVA, tax planning is integral to financial management, fostering meaningful client relationships. Through estimating taxable income, thorough preparation, and reflection, we empower clients with strategies for savings and growth. Read more here on how proactive planning aligns finances with long-term goals, ensuring success and security.

Top 5 Tips: The Art of Delegation
In an age where managers are expected to fulfil multiple roles in the workplace, the art of delegation is important for long-term business success. Investing in delegation benefits not only your business but also your team’s growth and your own development. Read to discover our top 5 tips.

Empowering Women in Business: Key Strategies for Success
At the ‘Empowering Women in Business’ event, we discussed practical insights: ATO debt signals cash flow issues; owner withdrawals affect finances. Building the right team is crucial for business growth, with tailored support from advisors like SEIVA for success.

Business Reboot: Reigniting for the new year
New year resolutions can add a sense of pressure to achieving success. While managing changes and adapting new processes, breaking them down into manageable steps allows you to execute these goals in a sustainable away. Read on to discover more.